Euscireka! (Issue 31 Preview)

Listen to Euscireka:

Illustration by DALL-EIllustration by DALL-E

Or read the full snippets in Issue 31: Science in the 22nd Century

To bite, or not to bite…: Why do some people suffer from more mosquito bites than others?
By Kellie Horan

Attendance at live sporting events linked to life satisfaction: A new study demonstrates the major health and wellbeing benefits of going to sports events as a live spectator.
By Matt Long

Success for pan-fungal vaccine – 1.5 million deaths worldwide are caused by invasive fungal infections, rendering it a major public health concern.
By Simar Mann

Mapping human brain ‘still decades away’ – Considering all the talk about artificial intelligence in recent months (e.g GPT-4, ChatGPT), it is humbling to remind ourselves that there is still much to learn about natural intelligence.
By Louisa Drake

Smart contact lenses give directions – A team of researchers have unveiled a new technology for smart contact lenses that incorporate augmented reality (AR) for navigation purposes.
By Alkisti Kallinikou

Issue 31 cover art by Freya Aylward


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