Category: News
Exoplanet data: a new frontier?
June 19th, 2017 – The Kepler space telescope, quietly searching for a twin to Earth, has scanned the light of thousands of stars for the signature dimming of light, indicating […]
Artificial intelligence is improving Down syndrome diagnosis
Artificial intelligence is being widely employed across research and applied medicine, offering attractive new opportunities for diagnosis and treatment. Recently, a team of research groups from the Netherlands, Cyprus and the […]
LIGO makes third detection of gravitational waves
It is not often that people associate Albert Einstein with getting something wrong, yet even he made a mistake when he could not bring himself to believe in the existence […]
Learning to read changes the adult brain
Reading is an activity that does not come to us naturally, but with gradual learning can have a profound impact on our brains. In her book “Proust and the Squid”, […]
The science of keeping an open mind
Having an open mind can only help these days; the world is rapidly changing in every way – from how we think of education and jobs to how we communicate […]
The West Antarctic Ice Sheet: ancient origins and present-day relevance
One century after the excruciating expedition of endurance led by Sir Ernest Shackleton across the entire Antarctic continent, a new era of heroic Antarctic exploration may have dawned. A team […]