Tag: algae
Lockdown led to quieter but not cleaner oceans
In February 2020, Italy became the first country in Europe to impose a lockdown in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the following months, amidst the stress of those initial lockdowns, the sounds of birdsong freed from traffic noise were a source of comfort and optimism to many around Europe and the rest of the…
Can our oceans save us? The role of seaweed in large scale carbon capture
With governments such as the UK’s looking to rapidly accelerate investment into large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies that will target excessive carbon dioxide emitted found in the air, […]
Sea otter decline accelerating effects of climate change
In a new study published by the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, researchers have found that the loss of key predators may be accelerating the effects of climate change in […]
The sunscreen of the sea
Coral reefs are one of the most bountiful – and beautiful – ecosystems on the planet. These diverse, underwater rainforests host at least a quarter of all marine life, despite […]