Samantha Dougary explores whether the Eurasian lynx should be reintroduced back into the Scottish Highlands, to once again be free...
Alice Spaccasassi explores what the history of radiocarbon dating can teach us about how we celebrate and remember scientific discoveries....
Ellie Bennett explores how answers to the global problem of antimicrobial resistance, a decidedly modern phenomenon, may lie in the...
Seán Dunphy explores how the structures of academic funding and publishing have shaped modern scientific culture. Thousands marching to fight...
Tom Edwick dives into the ethics of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development. Image credit: Government of Prince Edward Island via Flickr As...
Image Credit: Vector Open Stock via Flickr Humankind, in all our arrogance, have always told ourselves that we were different...
Image Credit: Karolina Grabowska vis Pexels In the age of COVID-19, science communication has become more important than ever. In...
Image credit: Elsie Greenwood In November 2018 a controversial public announcement was published on YouTube by He Jiankui, a biophysics...
Image credit: Aytuguluturk, Pixabay When considering neuroprosthetics and brain-machine interfaces, cyborgs and sentient robots may come to mind – part...